About This Site

↑ Test for putting ad in pages etc. ↑

This is a community site where people can earn small amounts of cryptocurrency and then allocate it to their chosen recipients to help them in their projects. We are currently asking volunteers to help us try out different things so that we can make a nice easy site for you to use. Please join the beta site community by giving us a username and an email address in the form provided and we will invite you to the forum.

The site will develop over time and be very easy to use. We greatly appreciate the help of our early adopters in making this possible.

Clickfocharity is a system (work in progress) that

  • enables users to collect money from other sites and then send them directly to recipients who are running projects and are in need of assistance.
  • Allows advertisers to advertise their products or services on the site, and to send the advertising fees directly to one of the project recipients.
  • Carries advertising from various ad networks and sends on the revenue from those ads (100%) to project recipients.
  • Enables users to earn crypto coins using features of the site, and then to send directly to their chosen recipients.

ClickForCharity is about two main principles:

  • no money needed, just your clicks (though you can just send money!).
  • 100% of what you raise goes directly to your chosen recipient.

You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.

R. Buckminster Fuller

A fully peer-to-peer charity system is very difficult to get started. Traditional charities:

  • get “experts” to fundraise for them and those experts get well paid in return.
  • employ professional managers to organise every aspect of their start-up and growth.
  • have staff in offices in both their home country and their recipient countries
  • employ professional marketing and PR people to raise public awareness of their existence

This way they ensure that when they get members, those members see a fully-formed “charity” with glossy pics of happy recipients etc. As much as 95% of your money can be wasted on marketing and so on. The Mafia did a better job!

We have a different way to start up. It’s like “booting” a computer. At each stage of the process, a small and simple program loads and then executes the larger, more complicated program of the next stage. The computer “pulls itself up by its bootstraps”; i.e., it improves itself by its own efforts. 

More info is on the Volunteers page.