In spite of having the phrase “click for charity” in the url and titles of pages, the tool for finding web pages (that rhymes with frugal) doesn’t list our site anywhere in the first few pages. Even an bank offering to send remaining funds to a charity of your choice when you close an account ranks above us. There are lots of sites that offer to send money to a “charity” if you click on things, but none I have found that are direct and 100 to the recipient.
So this task is to help teach these tools to give goos an useful results when people are looking for a place they can “click for charity”. To do this, it may take a minute, but please type in “click for charity” with the quotes, and our site should appear in the results, at or near the top. Follow the link to the site to let it know this is a good result. Once we have the phrase in quotes showing high in search, and being followed, we can move on to trying it without the quotes
Then please report your results in this forum thread.
This kind of work is crucial, because we have to succeed without having an organization with a budget for things like advertising. We cannot have staff, nor an advertising budget, etc. So it’s up to us users of the system to make it all happen.