Welcome to Our Desert Homestead Journey 🌡

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  • Author
    • #1130
      Grant and Annegret
        Points: 418
        Rank: Newbie

        Building a Self-Sufficient Dream 🌞 Welcome to our homestead adventure! 🌱 We’re a family starting from scratch on a 10-hectare slice of the Namib Deser
        [See the full post at: Welcome to Our Desert Homestead Journey 🌡]

      • #1138
          Points: 1,058
          Rank: Newbie

          Hi, great videos and I love your project. Looking forward to seeing this take root and inspire the whole area. I am sure it will.

          • #1140
            Grant and Annegret
              Points: 418
              Rank: Newbie

              Thanks Andy!

              Your support and effort into this initiative is well noted!

              It can only get bigger and better from here.

              It is initiatives like this that the world needs.

              We salute you!

              • #1141
                  Points: 1,058
                  Rank: Newbie

                  It seems to be working, I got email notification of your reply. It’s coming together nicely.

            • #1139
              Grant and Annegret
                Points: 418
                Rank: Newbie

                Great to be along for this Journey. Please join us as we try to turn the desert green.

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