
↑ Test for putting ad in pages etc. ↑

social networking with real world benefits.

We need some volunteers to usher the system through its initial stages, to get us to the same level of public awareness as the old organisations, but without all the expense and waste.

What We Need from our Beta-testers.

  • Traffic – We need people to use the site so that we can get better deals from the ad networks and better indexing by search engines. So just visiting the site is a big help.
  • Tasks – See the tasks forum and the quick tasks section for things to do to raise some funds. It’s rudimentary right now but will improve as the days go by.
  • Forum Posts and replies – For a forum to be interesting it needs some conversations for people to read. If you see a post where you could reply or think of a topic to discuss then that will help to make the forum more attractive to others to join and start using.
  • Questions – Ask any questions that occur to you in the forum. Questions and answers are often the most interesting topics in a forum.

Please go to the form on the home page and sign up with your preferred user name and an email address – we’ll send you an invitation to join).

Please also read the info on the about page!
